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Saturday, December 05, 2020 Subjects

Subjects of Conference

1- Conflicts in the Region From Perspective of Use of Force (jus ad bellum)
2- Conflicts in the Region From Perspective of Human and Humanitarian Law (jus in bello)
3- Conflicts in the Region From Perspective of Post War Law (jus post bellum)
4-Terrorism in The West Asia and International Law: Emphasis on assassination of General Soleimani and Dr. Fakhri Zadeh

Suggested Sub-topics for the Conference on International Law and Armed Conflicts in the West Asia

• The first axis: Conflicts in The West Asia From Perspective of Use of Force (jus ad bellum)
 1- Interventions of other States in internal armed conflicts from the perspective of international law:  the case of Iran's intervention in Syria and Iraq
 2- Interventions of other States in internal armed conflicts from the perspective of international law: US Intervention in Syria and Iraq
3- Calling for military intervention from the perspective of the right to use force: the case of the Karabakh war.
 4- The nature and role of military alliances of Iran's neighboring countries in regional conflicts.
5- Iran's military response to terrorists based in Syria following the terrorist attacks on the Islamic Consultative Assembly (Iranian Parliament) and at the mausoleum of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, in 2017.
 6- Iran's military response to terrorists based in Syria following the terrorist attacks on the military parade in Ahvaz, in 2018.
7- Turkey’s cross-border military operations in Iraq and Syria in terms of the international law on the use of force.
8- Transnational terrorism and the use of force in international law.
9- The concept of “act of aggression” in attacking members of the armed forces of a foreign state: the case of Major General Soleimani, Abu Mahdi al-Mohandas and his companions targeted assassination.
10- The Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict and the Right of Self-Determination regarding the peace agreement.
11- Conflicts between the right to self-determination and the principle of sovereignty: the suppression of insurgencies in Libya and Syria.
12- Military intervention of the Saudi–led coalition in Yemen and the use of force in international law.
13- The paradoxes of US policy toward the principle of non-intervention in the armed conflicts of the region.
14- Rethinking the concept of legitimate defense in light of armed conflicts in the region.
15- Armed conflicts in the region from and the use of force in Islamic Law: Case studies of the conflicts in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Nagorno-Karabakh.

•  Second axis: Conflicts in The West Asia From Perspective of Human and Humanitarian Law (jus in bello)
1- National implementation of humanitarian law in the countries of the region: legal principles and challenges
2- Humanitarian law in light of the military instructions of the states of the region.
3- The role of international non-governmental organizations in the implementation of humanitarian law in regional conflicts.
4- Evaluating the performance of monitoring and research committees in the implementation of humanitarian law in regional conflicts.
5- criminalization of violations of international humanitarian law in the legal systems of the states of the region.
6- International legal review of deportation and forced displacement of civilian inhabitants in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
7- Legal aspects of human rights and humanitarian law violations during the armed conflict in Yemen.
8- analyzing the effectiveness of regional organizations in armed conflicts in the region.
9- Examining the international legal aspects of the crimes committed by ISIS(Daesh) in Syria and Iraq.
10-The protection of minorities in armed conflicts in the region from a humanitarian law perspective.
11- International Humanitarian Law and Protection of victims of armed conflicts.
12- Protecting vulnerable groups during conflict through the respect of Humanitarian law.
13- Humanitarian law applicable in the fight against transnational terrorism.
14- environmental damage during armed conflicts in the region from the international humanitarian law perspective.
15- Water conflicts in the region and the international humanitarian law.
16- Commitment to providing humanitarian aid in conflict zones in the context of the Covid-19: A case study of conflicts in the region.
17- Using water as a weapon in armed conflicts of the region from the perspective of humanitarian law.
18- Rules governing the establishment and management of refugee and internally displaced persons camps in human rights and humanitarian law: a case study of conflicts in the region.
19-  Saudi Arabia use of cluster bombs in the Yemeni war from a humanitarian law perspective
20- The need to protect cultural monuments in the armed conflicts of the region from the perspective of humanitarian law

Third axis: Conflicts in The West Asia From Perspective of Post War Law (jus post bellum)
1- obligation to make war damage Compensation and Restitution: A case study of Iran, Kuwait, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Nagorno-Karabakh.
2- The possibility of combatting impunity for crimes against humanitarian law with the states’ coalition for the International Criminal Court.
3- The responsibility of international organizations for inaction in connection with the armed conflicts in the region.
4- states responsibility to repair and rebuild the damage after the armed conflict in the region
5- Obligations of states to cooperate for the return of war refugees: Case studies of Syrian refugees, Afghan refugees, Palestinian refugees.
6- International Responsibility for Leading and Controlling Regional Conflicts: A Case Study of Syria, Iraq and Yemen.
7- International responsibility for aiding and assisting in Armed Conflict: A Case Study of Syria, Iraq and Yemen.

Fourth axis: Terrorism in The West Asia and International Law: Emphasis on assassination of General Soleimani and Dr. Fakhri Zadeh
1- The international legal status of Iran's fight against terrorism in the region.
2- Transnational terrorism and assassination of Iranian nuclear scientists from the perspective of human rights and humanitarian law.
3- The distinction between terrorism and legitimate resistance in the region in accordance with international law.
4- International responsibility of states in the fight against international terrorism in the region.
5- The study of the August 2020 assassination verdict of the Lebanese Special Tribunal on Rafik Hariri assassination.
6- International responsibility of states in the case of the assassination of Major General Soleimani.
7- Assassination of Major General Soleimani from the perspective of international criminal law; In search of a solution to combat impunity.
8- Legal aspects of the assassination of Dr. Mohsen Fakhrizadeh from the perspective of human rights and humanitarian law.
9- Legal legitimacy of possible countermeasures of Iran in the case of the assassination of Major General Soleimani.
10- analysis of Iran's possible countermeasures in the case of assassination of Iranian nuclear scientist Dr. Mohsen Fakhrizadeh.

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