Important eventsImportant events
DAYS OF CONFERENCE AND DEADLINE EXTENDED: 10 September 2021 and 13-14 October 2021
Third Pre-Conference Lectures 3 February 2021
Second Pre-Conference Lectures 6 January 2021
Begining of Submission of Articles
First Pre-Conference Lectures 9 December 2020
Poster Poster
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Saturday, December 05, 2020 How to pay

Certification of Attendance in Conference 20$
Certification of Acceptance of Article 99$

Note 1: payment of fee of  certification of acceptance of article is after acceptance and indexing the article by the Conference
Note 2: who that are invited for lecture would be exempted of paying fees
Note 3: Certification of participation in the conference would be provided for virtual participation providing conditional on using the full name for enterance to virtual seminar website
Note 4: Presence in the conference is conditional to Iranian health protocols relating to COVID19

Use information bellow for payments

Swift Code: NBOKKWKW
IBAN: KW31NBOK0000000000002017974026
Beneficiary name: Mohammad Ziaoddin Parvareshpour

Note: Send the recieption image via whasapp number 00989355081848

for Arabians following way is available too,

السادة والسيدات الافاضل المشتركين في المؤتمر، يرجى ارسال الرسوم الى العنوان التالي بعنوان امانة تسلم الى السيد موفق پرورش في مدينة قم في ايران.
الكاظمية البورصة  السيد علي نجف 07722355088
ملاحظه: يرجي تحويل الرسوم صافية بعد اظافة عمولة ايصال الامانه من العراق الى ايران

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